Teams are selected by a committee of coaches. The participants will be grouped into their proper age divisions. During the tryouts, the participants will be given instruction on technique and skills. In addition to evaluating their skill levels, we will also be observing how they perform in game situations. Some attributes the coaches look for are: attitude, athletic ability, desire, leadership, strength, technique/skill, and game sense. Keep in mind that players are chosen for teams according to the position they play. To move a player up an age division will only be considered by the administration if it is considered to be in the best interest of the player, the academy, and the team’s success.
During the tryout, participants will be called to talk to the coach who is selecting the team and they will be offered a position on their team. The athlete will need to accept or decline the position and will have up to 5 minutes to do so. They confirm with their parents their choice and they immediately proceed to sign the team commitment documents and pay their deposit. This commitment includes signing the Athlete Parent Commitment Form and payment of the initial deposit. After signing the USAV commitment, no release will be granted unless the player moves out of the Central Florida area. To participate in any of our tryouts or programs, you must first register. Please be aware that we MUST limit the time you will have to make a decision as a courtesy to other athletes. We will NOT HOLD or guarantee spots if you choose to decline the position.
Upon accepting a team assignment, the parent/guardian must understand that is responsible for ALL fees due by the athlete. Top Select Volleyball cannot hold a place on a team without the deposit. Your dues/fees include, but are not limited to:
● Excellent training and coaching
● Tournament entry fees
● Administrative fees and office expenses
● Coaches’ salaries
● Coaches’ travel and lodging expenses
● Facility rental
● Recruiting for some teams (15U-18U)