2024-2025 Regular Season Tryouts

10U- September 6th at 5:30pm

11U- June 29th at 9:00am

12U- June 29th at 2:30pm

 13U- June 30th at 9:00am

 14U- June 30th at 2:30pm

15U- July 14th at 9:00am

16U- July 13th at 9:00am

17U- July 13th at 2:30pm

18U- July 9th at 3:30pm


11U- June 29th at 9:00am

12U- June 29th at 2:30pm

13U- June 30th at 9:00am

14U- June 30th at 2:30pm

15U- July 14th at 9:00am

16U- July 13th at 9:00am

17U- July 13th at 2:30pm

18U- July 9th at 3:30pm





18U- Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006

17U- Players who were born on or after July 1, 2007

16U- Players who were born on or after July 1, 2008

15U- Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009

14U- Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010

13U- Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011

12U- Players who were born on or after July 1, 2012

Top Select offers club season for girls ages 10 -18 in our facilities in the Orlando area. Club Season runs from November to June and practices are twice a week* for two hours (either 5:30 or 7:30pm). Teams will have eight to ten tournaments scheduled. 

*Elite teams practice three times a week when tournament schedules allows


In order to meet the needs of the community, we offer several levels of instruction within our organization. We offer teams that compete at the local, state, and national level for the club season. We also offer camps, clinics and leagues throughout the year. We feel this structure enables us to offer all levels of volleyball to the athletes in our community. Although a strong focus of our program will be to offer the training required to play at the college level, we want to share our love of the game with all interested players, from the beginner to the elite athlete. We will provide every player the opportunity to reach his or her personal goals involving the sport of volleyball, whether it is to play at the collegiate level, improve as a high school player, or achieve a higher level of physical fitness. For the club season, we are currently offering these four levels of teams:


This program is for the athlete who has a strong desire to play volleyball in college. The athlete must be fully committed to making volleyball a number one priority over other activities. The members of our elite teams will travel out-of-state to National Qualifiers where they will compete against the top teams in the country. The players on our elite teams must have the desire, athleticism, and skill level required to compete with the strongest college prospects. These teams practice three times a week and may have additional practices added. It is also highly recommended that these athletes work on their physical training aspects and do not compete in other sports that will have conflicting schedules with their team at Top Select Volleyball Academy.


This program is designed for the player who may also have a strong desire or have an interest in playing volleyball in college. The athlete must be willing to make the sacrifices necessary for her/his progress and that of the team. While not quite as intense as the Elite Program, these teams are still very competitive. The members of our travel teams will compete in at least one National Qualifier. These teams practice two to three times a week.


This program is designed for the player who may also have a strong desire to play and reinforce her fundamentals. These athletes may have interest in playing on their school team and may have some interest in playing in college. These teams are ideal for the multi-sport athlete whose involvement in other sports makes it difficult to commit to a travel schedule. These teams practice twice a week.


The Gold Program is our regular season-club volleyball alternative for families who want to receive GREAT training but do not yet want to commit to a full club season because of time commitments, travel commitments or financially. Gold Program teams are offered for the beginner to intermediate volleyball player ages 8-14. They practice two nights a week for 2 hours. Each Gold Program team could have up to 12 athletes with one coach. We practice two Gold Program teams together on the same court so up to 24 athletes and two coaches. 

They play in one United League tournament per month (January, February, March and April) in addition to at least two 2-day local AAU tournaments. The United League tournaments are one-day (on a Saturday) and will be located within a 2-hour radius of central Orlando. Tournament times are usually from 9 am until 4 pm.

Gold Program interested players will need to register and can attend regular season tryouts for their age group or Gold Only tryouts.


Teams are selected by a committee of coaches. The participants will be grouped into their proper age divisions. During the tryouts, the participants will be given instruction on technique and skills. In addition to evaluating their skill levels, we will also be observing how they perform in game situations. Some attributes the coaches look for are: attitude, athletic ability, desire, leadership, strength, technique/skill, and game sense. Keep in mind that players are chosen for teams according to the position they play. To move a player up an age division will only be considered by the administration if it is considered to be in the best interest of the player, the academy, and the team’s success.


During the tryout, participants will be called to talk to the coach who is selecting the team and they will be offered a position on their team. The athlete will need to accept or decline the position and will have up to 5 minutes to do so. They confirm with their parents their choice and they immediately proceed to sign the team commitment documents and pay their deposit. This commitment includes signing the Athlete Parent Commitment Form and payment of the initial deposit. After signing the USAV commitment, no release will be granted unless the player moves out of the Central Florida area. To participate in any of our tryouts or programs, you must first register. Please be aware that we MUST limit the time you will have to make a decision as a courtesy to other athletes. We will NOT HOLD or guarantee spots if you choose to decline the position.


Upon accepting a team assignment, the parent/guardian must understand that is responsible for ALL fees due by the athlete. Top Select Volleyball cannot hold a place on a team without the deposit. Your dues/fees include, but are not limited to:
● Excellent training and coaching
● Tournament entry fees
● Administrative fees and office expenses
● Coaches’ salaries
● Coaches’ travel and lodging expenses
● Facility rental
● Recruiting for some teams (15U-18U)

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